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How do I start using the AiLuvio platform?Getting started with AiLuvio is very easy. Simply register, set your preferred language and you can start communicating immediately via our desktop or mobile app.
How many languages does the AiLuvio platform support?We currently support more than 30 world languages. Specifically:Arabic, English (American and British), Bulgarian, Czech, Chinese, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Hungarian, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (all variations, including Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Greek, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. More languages will be added gradually.
Is the AiLuvio platform safe for use in enterprise communication?Yes, AiLuvio emphasizes data protection. All communication is encrypted and the platform meets strict standards for protecting sensitive information.
What is the quality of real-time translation on the AiLuvio platform?AiLuvio boasts high quality standards for real-time dubbing, and we are constantly working to improve translations through continuous updates and deep learning AI.
Is AiLuvio suitable for all types of communication?AiLuvio is a versatile tool for a wide range of applications, whether it is informal conversations, business meetings or discussions on professional topics. The translations are accurate and suitable for different communication situations.
How fast is real-time translation on AiLuvio?AiLuvio provides translation with minimal delay, enabling smooth and immediate dialogue. The delay is only strictly necessary (completion of the first sentence). Since we can't (yet) read minds, we have to wait until you finish the first sentence to understand the context.
How does AiLuvio ensure naturalness of tone and style in communication?AiLuvio's platform is designed to respect users' natural tone and style, even during translation, ensuring authentic communication.
What is the availability of the AiLuvio platform on different devices?The AiLuvio platform is SOON on Android, iOS devices and now on all desktop devices via the browser.
Can AiLuvio be integrated with other communication platforms?AiLuvio is currently designed as a standalone platform and does not allow direct integration with other communication tools.
Is paying for subscription on AiLuvio secure?Yes. Payments are processed by our reputable provider, Stripe.
How can I pay for AiLuvio?We accept payments via: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, China UnionPay, Alipay, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Bank transfer and much more!
Can I call a ,,free user'' with a translation?Of course! A free user has 5,000 characters to start with, or a paid user can pay for it, specifically the meeting convener. Therefore, there is no need for all call participants to have paid accounts.
How did you calculate the logic of how many characters are enough for X hours/minutes?We know that in an average conversation, 40,000 characters are spoken per hour. Of course, in the vast majority of meetings, not just one user speaks, but at least 2. This means that with this logic, 20,000 characters per hour is enough for a user if, in a call of 2 users, they will each talk about half the time of the hour.
What am I actually paying for?Each user pays for the characters they listen to or get written in chat. Not for the characters he speaks or writes. This is more profitable for the user, because if 5 people speak or write in 5 different languages, the 'speaker' or 'author of the message' would pay 5 times the price because of the translation into each language. Therefore, one pays for listening to the characters or for delivering the message and not for saying or writing them.
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